Essere and Avere are the most important verbs of all. Therefore it is quite useful to learn some common expressions with these verbs. Learn useful expressions with essere and avere in Italian!
Expressions with Essere and Avere
Expressions with Essere
essere felice | to be happy |
essere triste | to be sad |
essere arrabbiato | to be angry |
essere malato | to be sick |
essere stanco | to be tired |
essere in ritardo | to be late |
essere puntuale | to be on time |
essere simpatico | to be enjoyable, fun |
essere gentile | to be kind |
essere soddisfatto | to be satisfied |
essere innamorato (di) | to be in love (with) |
Expressions with Avere
avere fame | to be hungry |
avere sete | to be thirsty |
avere sonno | to be sleepy |
avere fretta | to be in a hurry |
avere tempo | to have time |
avere paura (di) | to have fear (of) |
avere coraggio | to be brave |
avere freddo | to be cold |
avere caldo | to be warm |
avere bisogno (di) | to need |
avere voglia (di) | to feel like |
avere ragione | to be right |
avere torto | to be wrong |
avere mal di testa | to have a headache |
Learn more
Review the verbs essere and avere in our lesson: Essere and avere – to be and have in Italian
Or review the present tense in general in our lesson: The Italian Present tense
Would you like to read a very simple story with these expressions? Read our short story Scotty ha freddo.
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