i vestiti / l’abbigliamento | clothes / clothing |
l’indumento / il capo d’abbigliamento | garment |
la giacca | jacket |
il cappotto | coat |
la maglietta | T-Shirt |
il maglione | jumper |
la felpa | sweatshirt, hoodie |
la camicia | shirt |
la camicetta | blouse |
la canotta / il top | top |
i pantaloni [pl .] | trousers |
i pantaloncini [pl .] | shorts |
i pantaloni della tuta | joggers |
la gonna | skirt |
il vestito / l’abito (da uomo o da donna) | suit, dress |
il completo | suit, dress |
la salopette | overalls |
le calze [pl .] | tights, socks |
i calzini [pl .] | socks |
i leggings [pl .] | leggings |
il pigiama | pajamas |
la sciarpa | scarf |
il cappello | hat, beanie, cap |
i guanti | gloves |
le scarpe [pl .] | shoes |
gli stivali [pl .] | boots |
l’intimo / la biancheria intima | underwear |
le mutande | lo/gli slip | i boxer [pl .] | pants | slip | boxer shorts |
il reggiseno | bra |
la canottiera | vest |
Calze o calzini?
Calze refers to a garment that is worn on the feet and covers part or all of the leg. Corresponds to both socks and tights in English.
The word calzini, on the other hand, is restricted to socks, i.e. the garment that covers only the foot and the part of the leg up to the ankle or knee.
This means that all calzini are calze, but not all calze are calzini!
Another word for tights, besides calze, is the French collant.
I leggings are a garment that does not cover the foot but only the leg, similar to trousers but much closer to the leg.
Felpa o maglione?
La felpa
La felpa is a rather sporty garment and can be with or without a hood. This can of course also be specified: la felpa con cappuccio hoodie.
Il maglione
Il maglione is usually a fall or winter garment, often made of wool or cotton, usually without a hood.
What is a cappello?
Cappello corresponds to both a hat, a beanie and a cap. The word berretto is also used for a beanie, while a cap is more commonly called a cappellino.
cappello di paglia Straw hat
cappello / berretto invernale winter beanie
cappellino cap
Vestito, abito o completo?
Vestito and abito are synonyms, even if the word abito is a little more formal, and both refer to a woman’s dress as well as a man’s suit.
La donna indossa un bel vestito / un bell’abito The woman is wearing a nice dress
L’uomo indossa un bel vestito / un bell’abito The man is wearing a nice suit
It is usually clear from the context what it refers to. If this is not the case, it can be clarified by adding da donna or da uomo.
Il completo refers to a combination of elegant clothing, usually jacket and trousers or jacket and skirt, for both men and women.
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