Storie in italiano

Read and listen to stories in Italian and improve your reading and listening comprehension!

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Free eBooks in Italian for learners featuring Kira and Cody the dogs and other characters.

Readings and short stories in Italian for learners to read in between and practically already sorted for you by level.

Read the most beautiful and popular fairy tales in Italian.

The most beautiful masterpieces of world literature in Italian.

Read cute and light photo stories in a comic style with dogs Kira and Cody.

Read short comics in Italian!

You can also listen to our stories on our podcast channels or watch them on YouTube!

Stories in Italian

Free eBooks in PDF format for learners to learn and read Italian with Mp3 listening file and translation. Buona lettura!

la maledizione delle zucche

La maledizione delle zucche (B1/B2)

Fiona ed Emma volevano passare una tranquilla serata di Halloween con un risotto alla zucca e un buon film, ma all’ultimo minuto decisero di visitare un misterioso villaggio di Halloween in centro città…

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Our readings and short stories are ideal for learners to read for in-between and quite conveniently already sorted for you by level, even with intermediate levels.

The most beautiful and popular fairy tales in Italian.

The most beautiful masterpieces of world literature in Italian.

Read cute and light photo stories in a comic style with the dogs Kira and Cody as the heroes of the stories, as well as padroncina and amicone.

Read short comics and learn Italian.

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Readings for learners from our bookstore

Discover readings from great publishers to read and learn Italian.

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Impara l'italiano con le STORIE​

With stories in Italian, you can improve your reading and listening comprehension while enjoying a story. Our stories are sorted by difficulty. Since each learning level is a broad learning path, you’ll find easier and more difficult stories, as well as shorter and longer ones, within the same level. But don’t focus too much on the level: every learning path is unique and challenges are good!

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