Famiglia • Family

Italian vocabulary: learn the vocabulary related to family in Italian, la famiglia.

Vocabolario italiano: La famiglia


Famiglia bruno | Famiglia • Family
la madre, la mamma mother, mum
il padre, il papà father, dad
i genitori parents
il fratello | la sorella brother | sister
i fratelli siblings, brothers
il nonno | la nonna grandfather | grandmother
i nonni grandparents
lo zio | la zia uncle | aunt
gli zii aunts and uncles, uncles
il cugino | la cugina (male | female) cousin
i cugini cousins
il nipote | la nipote nephew, grandson | niece, granddaughter
i nipoti nephews and nieces, grandchildren
il suocero | la suocera father-in-law | mother-in-law
i suoceri parents-in-law
il cognato | la cognata brother-in-law | sister-in-law
il marito | la moglie husband | wife
il figlio | la figlia son | daughter
i figli children, sons


  • If you want to specify which grandparents you are talking about, you can add paterno paternal or materno maternal.
  • The word il / la nipote means both niece/nephew and grandson/granddaughter.
  • For the plural, which includes both men and women, the masculine form is used, e.g. i fratelli, gli zii, i cugini, i nonni.
  • The word genitori, by the way, can also be singular: il genitore parent.
  • There is also the word il / la parente (pl. i parenti). It means relative(s).


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