Aspetto e carattere • Appearance and character

Italian vocabulary: learn the vocabulary related to appearance and character in Italian, aspetto e carattere.

Vocabolario italiano: Aspetto e carattere

Appearance and character

alto/a tall / high
basso/a short / low
magro/a | snello/a thin | slim
grasso/a | robusto/a fat | robust
giovane young
vecchio/a | anziano/a old | elderly
socievole | estroverso/a sociable | extroverted
timido/a | introverso/a shy | introverted
simpatico/a nice, pleasant, fun (person)
antipatico/a unpleasant (person)
carino/a pretty
bello/a beautiful, handsome
brutto/a ugly
piccolo/a small, little
grande big

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