Ne vorrei due – The pronoun NE

Ne basically means “of it”. In this lesson we will learn the main use of ne, that is when it is used in conjunction with a quantity.

The pronoun NE with quantities

Ne is used whenever we specify a quantity of something without explicitly saying of what. Ne replaces the reference word and is placed before the verb. Look at the example:

Compro due mele. I buy two apples.
Ne compro due. I buy two (of it).

So there are two important conditions that require the use of ne:

  • It’s about a quantity (due, dieci, un chilo, un pezzo, tanto, poco);
  • We do not explicitly say in the sentence what the quantity refers to (mostly to avoid repetition).
Another example:
Colleziono francobolli. Ho più di 500 francobolli!
I collect stamps. I have more than 500 stamps!
Colleziono francobolli. Ne ho più di 500! I collect stamps. I have more than 500!

There is also one more condition, and that is:

  • The sentence should contain a verb.
Without a verb, no ne is necessary:
Quante mele vuole? How many apples do you want?
Ne vorrei due, per favore. I’d like two, please.
Due, per favore. Two, please.


Che bel tatuaggio! Anch’io ne vorrei uno. What a beautiful tattoo! I would like one, too.
Mi piacciono i libri di Camilleri, ne ho molti a casa. I like Camilleri’s books, I have many of them at home.
È la stagione degli asparagi, ne prendo un chilo. It’s asparagus season; I’ll take a kilo.
La torta è deliziosa, ne vuoi ancora un po’? The cake is delicious, would you like some more?
Questi prodotti sono in offerta, ne compro tre. These products are on offer, I will buy three.

Basically, ne refers to a partial quantity: of the whole apples, I take so and so much. When it comes to the whole amount (for example, using the word “tutto”), we don’t use ne:

Quante mele vuole? How many apples do you want?
Ne vorrei due. I would like two.
Le vorrei tutte! I would like them all!

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