15 important pronominal verbs in Italian

We learned what these verbs are and how to conjugate them in our lesson on Pronominal Verbs. Here you will find a list of important pronominal verbs you should know.

15 important pronominal verbs in Italian

farcela (a) to make it, succeed Ho imparato i verbi pronominali. Ce l’ho fatta! I learned the pronominal verbs. I made it!
andarsene to go away, to leave Mi sto annoiando, me ne vado. I’m getting bored, I’m leaving.
provarci to try Non so se ce la farò, ma ci provo. I don’t know if I can do it, but I try.
  to flirt, hit on Gianni ci prova sempre con tutte! Gianni is always hitting on everyone!
mettercela tutta to try your best A scuola mio figlio ce la mette tutta. At school, my son tries his best.
finirla / smetterla / piantarla (di) to stop La finisci / smetti / pianti di dirmi cosa devo fare? Will you stop telling me what to do?
prendersela to be offended Non prendertela, era solo uno scherzo. Don’t be offended, it was just a joke.
averne abbastanza (di) to have enough Ne ho abbastanza di lui! I’ve had enough of him!
avercela (con) being mad at sb Ce l’hai con me per quello che ho detto ieri? Are you mad at me for what I said yesterday?
metterci to take (time) Mia figlia ci mette sempre un’ora per prepararsi. My daughter always takes an hour to get ready.
volerci to need, take Con lei ci vuole pazienza. It takes patience with her.
starci to go along, be game, be in Se volete giocare a calcio, io ci sto. If you want to play soccer, I’m in.
  to fit Nella valigia non ci sta più niente. Nothing fits in the suitcase anymore.
cavarsela to get by, manage Gianni se la cava bene da solo. Gianni does well on his own.
entrarci to have to do with Io non c’entro niente! I had nothing to do with it!
  to fit Nella valigia non c’entra più niente. Nothing fits in the suitcase anymore.
fregarsene (di) to give a damn Non me ne frega niente di lui I don’t give a damn about him
sentirsela (di) to feel like Te la senti di uscire o preferisci stare a casa? Do you feel like going out or would you rather stay home?

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