Polite form with pronouns (La, Le)

Overview of polite pronouns such as Lei, La and Le with example sentences and an exercise.

Subject pronouns: tu, Lei and voi

We use the following pronouns to address the subject, that is, the person performing the action directly:

1. sg. io
2. sg. tu informal for one person
3. sg. lui, lei formal for one person
1. pl. noi
2. pl. voi informal/formal for several persons
3. pl. loro

When the pronouns lei and voi are used as polite pronouns, they are often capitalized, Lei, Voi, to make it easier to distinguish them from other pronouns. Capitalization is not mandatory, but shows even more respect.

Note that the female pronoun Lei is always used, even when speaking to a man.


informal formal
E tu, Gianni, dove abiti? E Lei, signor Rossi, dove abita?
And you, Gianni, where do you live? And you, Mr. Rossi, where do you live?
E voi, Gianni, Lorenzo, dove abitate? E Voi, Signori, dove abitate?
And you, Gianni, Lorenzo, where do you live? And you, gentlemen, where do you live?

You can find out more about these polite pronouns and the use of Voi and Loro in this lesson.

Direct pronouns: ti, La, vi

When it comes to direct pronouns, we have the following pronouns to choose from for direct speech:

1. sg. mi
2. sg. ti
3. sg. lo, la
1. pl. ci
2. pl. vi
3. pl. li, le

In this case, too, the pronouns la and vi are usually capitalized, La, Vi, when they are used as polite forms.


informal formal
Gianni, non ti vedo. Signor Rossi, non La vedo.
Gianni, I don’t see you. Mr. Rossi, I don’t see you.
Gianni, Lorenzo, non vi vedo. Signori, non Vi vedo.
Gianni, Lorenzo, I can’t see you. Gentlemen, I don’t see you.

The following is a short list of common verbs that have the direct pronouns, that is, La in the polite singular form.

Ti chiamo La chiamo to call
Ti sento La sento to hear
Ti ascolto La ascolto to listen
Ti guardo La guardo to watch
Ti accompagno La accompagno to accompany
Ti aiuto La aiuto to help

Indirect pronouns: ti, Le, vi

When it comes to indirect pronouns, we then have the following pronouns to choose from for direct speech:

1. sg. mi
2. sg. ti
3. sg. gli, le
1. pl. ci
2. pl. vi
3. pl. gli

In this case, too, the pronouns le and vi are usually capitalized, Le, Vi, when they are used as polite forms.


informal formal
Gianni, ti do il mio numero. Signor Rossi, Le do il mio numero.
Gianni, I’ll give you my number. Mr. Rossi, I’ll give you my number.
Gianni, Lorenzo, vi do il mio numero. Signori, Vi do il mio numero.
Gianni, Lorenzo, I’ll give you my number. Gentlemen, I’ll give you my number.

The following is a short list of common verbs that have the indirect pronoun, that is, Le in the polite singular form.

Ti piace Le piace to like
Ti do Le do to give
Ti regalo Le regalo to give as a gift
Ti mando Le mando to send
Ti dico Le dico to say


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