A short comic strip with il gatto Romeo on the topic Al mercato – At the market matching our online Italian course A1, unit 7. With translation below.
I fumetti del gatto Romeo are short comics with cat Romeo to learn Italian by Italiano Bello illustrated by Giulia Bragaglia. Romeo is a clumsy, lazy cat who often has bad luck and likes to annoy his “human” Fiona.
Al mercato con Romeo
- Buongiorno, vorrei delle arance. / Quante ne vuole? / Mezzo chilo, per favore. / Romeo: Non mi piace la frutta
- Melanzane in offerta! / Solo un euro al chilo! / Romeo: E neanche la verdura.
- Avete* delle trote? / Certo, eccole. Sono freschissime. / Ne prendo quattro.
- Salve, una trota, per favore. / Ecco a Lei. Sono otto euro.
- Guten Morgen, ich hätte gern Orangen / Wie viele möchten Sie? / Ein halbes Kilo, bitte / Romeo: Ich mag kein Obst
- Auberginen im Angebot! / Nur einen Euro pro Kilo! / Romeo: Und auch kein Gemüse.
- Haben Sie Forellen? / Klar, hier sind sie. Die sind ganz frisch. / Ich nehme vier.
- Guten Tag, eine Forelle, bitte. / Hier, bitte. Das macht acht Euro.
- Good morning, I’d like some oranges./ How many would you like? / Half a kilo, please./ Romeo: I don’t like fruit
- Eggplant on offer! / Only one euro a kilo! / Romeo: And no vegetables either.
- Do you have any trout? / Sure, here they are. They’re very fresh. / I’ll take four.
- Hi, one trout, please. / Here you go. That’ll be eight euros.
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