Where do you go on vacation? How? When? With whom? Let’s talk about vacation plans in Italian!
Your vacation plans in Italian
Con chi?
Con chi vai in vacanza?
Con la mia famiglia.
Who are you going on vacation with? To say with whom you need the preposition con:
con la mia famiglia | with my family |
con mio marito / mia moglie | with my husband / wife |
con i miei amici | with my friends |
da solo / da sola | alone |
Come vai in vacanza?
In macchina.
How are you going on vacation? To express the means of transport you need either the preposition in or con + article:
in macchina / con la macchina | with the car |
in aereo / con l’aereo | with the airplane |
in camper / con il camper | with the camper |
Learn the vocabulary of means of transport in our article.
Quando vai in vacanza?
Dal 10 al 20 luglio
When are you going on vacation? Learn how to express the time:
in + season | in estate | in the summer |
in / a + month | in / a luglio | on July |
dal … al … | dal 10 al 20 luglio | from 10th to 20th July |
parto il … | parto il 10 luglio e torno il 20 | I’m leaving on July 10th and I’ll be back on the 20th. |
Dove vai in vacanza?
Vado a Firenze, in Toscana.
Where are you going on vacation? To express the place you’ll need a few different prepositions depending on what you say:
a + village, city, small island | a Sirmione, a Firenze, a Malta | to Sirmione, Florence, Malta |
in + region, country, big island | in Toscana, in Italia, in Sicilia | to Tuscany, Italy, Sicily |
Vado al mare.
al mare | to the sea |
al lago | to the lake |
in montagna | to the mountains |
in città | to town |
Vado sul Mediterraneo.
If you specify the name of the sea, lake or mountain, you use the preposition su + article. For lakes you can use both sul or al.
sul Mediterraneo | to the Mediterranean |
sul / al lago di Garda | to the Garda lake |
sulle Alpi | to the Alps |
Dove alloggi?
Dove alloggi?
In un hotel.
Where are you staying? Tell about your accommodation (it. l’alloggio).
in un hotel / albergo | in a hotel |
in un appartamento | in an apartment |
in un campeggio | in a campsite |
a casa di un amico | at a friend’s house |