Le zeppole di San Giuseppe
The zeppole di San Giuseppe are the traditional sweets of this day. They are small choux pastry doughnuts with pastry cream and canned sour cherries.
These sweets are attributed to the saint because it is said that Joseph, during his flight to Egypt to escape the terrible King Herod, was forced to sell a kind of doughnut to provide for his family.
Una poesia per la Festa del Papà
Lo conoscete il mio papà?
Ve lo presento: eccolo qua!
Ma non è vero che è un tesoro?
Un paparino tutto d’oro.
Se fa il severo, quando s’arrabbia, mi dice: “A letto!”
Io lo abbraccio, gli do un bacetto.
A questo punto subito molla,
diventa dolce, di pastafrolla.
Do you know my dad?
Let me introduce him to you: Here he is!
He’s a sweetheart, isn’t he?
A golden daddy.
If he is stern, when he gets angry, he says to me, “To bed!”
I hug him, I give him a little kiss.
Then he immediately gives up,
he becomes sweet, of short dough.
Auguri a tutti i papà!
Beautiful books for i papà
Fonti: Freepik, GialloZafferano, Poesia: pianeta-bambini.it