Calendari italiani


Great Italian calendars for learning Italian! Let’s walk together through the Christmas and Easter seasons and discover the Italian language and culture around Christmas and Easter.

Even outside of the holidays, great calendars and planners for your desk with days of the week and texts in Italian will help you learn much better and stay motivated. Write down your to-dos and appointments or new words and verbs. With colorful stickers and motivating sentences in Italian, learning will be even more fun.

Bring the Italian language into your everyday life!

Our Italian calendars

Advent calendar with 24 doors

Calendari dell'Avvento

Our Italian Advent Calendars

Open the doors and find out more about Italian Christmas traditions, learn Christmas vocabulary and read lovely Christmas stories!

Easter calendar

Calendario di pasqua

Our Italian Easter calendars

Open the doors and learn about Italian Easter traditions, learn vocabulary related to Easter, and read beautiful stories!

allopera 1000parole 1 | Calendari

Our tips to learn Italian successfully


With our great calendars and planners for your desk with days of the week and texts in Italian, you don’t have to wait until January 1st! Write down your to-dos and appointments or new words and verbs. With colorful stickers and motivational phrases in Italian, learning will be even more fun.
Bring the Italian language into your everyday life and start when it suits you!



Great Italian calendars for 2024 with all texts in Italian, including Italian holidays. Which one will be your faithful companion for this new year? Perfect to motivate you even more to practice Italian regularly!

Italian daily and weekly calendars 2024

Language calendar 2023 for German speakers

You are learning Italian and want to motivate yourself regularly? An Italian language calendar is just the right thing for you, because it animates you daily or weekly to deal with the language in an entertaining way and gives you new knowledge in small chunks.

If you’re looking for an Italian language calendar, you can’t go past the calendars from PONS, Langenscheidt and Harenberg, but which of these calendars is right for you?

To help you decide, we have summarized and compared the key features of the calendars in our article.

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