Scritto da: Eloisa Guarracino
Illustrato da: Daniela Spoto
Casa editrice: Raum Italic
Bilingual children’s book English-Italian
“Minù, do you know what clouds are?” Mimì asked her one day.
“Tu lo sai, Minù, cosa sono le nuvole?” chiese un giorno Mimì.
Mimì and Minù are looking at the sky and discover that clouds are nothing but the people who no longer live on the earth. When people die, their minds, which are as subtle as the air, fly in the sky becoming clouds. That’s the reason why clouds often have such a familiar shape!
Mimì and Minù recognize their grandfather, their old aunt and even Garibaldi and Napoleon.
The space up there is huge and floating lightly among the swallows, over the world, such as clouds, has to be truly fantastic.
A soft and delicate story dealing with an intimate theme, the most difficult one but also very natural, such as death.
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