Valentine’s Day • San Valentino

Words in Italian for Valentine’s Day. With vocabulary trainer to practice your vocabulary. Learn Vocabulary for Valentine’s Day in Italian. Buon San Valentino! 

If you want to write a love card in Italian, check out our other post: Love Quotes in Italian.

Content overview

Vocabulary for Valentine's Day in Italian



Ascolta e ripeti. Listen and repeat.

la rosa

the rose

le rose rosse

the red roses

il mazzo di fiori

the bouquet of flowers


the ring

fare un brindisi • brindare

to make a toast • to toast

il peluche

the plush toy

la fetta di torta

the piece of cake

la lettera d'amore

the love letter

il cuore con le ali

the heart with wings

la scatola di cioccolatini

the box of chocolates

andare fuori a cena

to go out for dinner

la cena romantica

the romantic dinner


the love


to love

Ti amo!

I love you!

essere innamorato/a (di)

to be in love (with)

innamorarsi (di)

to fall in love (with)

Buon San Valentino!

Happy Valentine's Day!


1. Flashcards

Write the corresponding Italian word. These flashcards refer to the vocabulary list you will find in this article.

2. Crucipuzzle

There are 7 Valentine’s Day words in the Crucipuzzle! Can you find them all? Buon divertimento!

The words are listed just below.

Tell your sweetheart that you love him/her…. in the most romantic language in the world!

Discover romantic phrases and love quotes for your Valentine’s Day card in Italian.

Illustration Credits: Freepik

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