The numbers in Italian. I numeri.
Uno, due, tre… Let’s learn Italian numbers together! Discover the most important rules and download the PDF to learn even better. Listen to the number song to learn the numbers from 0 to 100 in a fun way. At the end, interactive exercises await you so that you can apply your knowledge directly.
The numbers in Italian from 0 to 100
Ascolta e ripeti. Listen and repeat.
0 |
zero |
19 |
diciannove |
1 |
uno |
20 |
venti |
2 |
due |
21 |
ventuno |
3 |
tre |
22 |
ventidue |
4 |
quattro |
23 |
ventitré |
5 |
cinque |
24 |
ventiquattro |
6 |
sei |
25 |
venticinque |
7 |
sette |
26 |
ventisei |
8 |
otto |
27 |
ventisette |
9 |
nove |
28 |
ventotto |
10 |
dieci |
29 |
ventinove |
11 |
undici |
30 |
trenta |
12 |
dodici |
40 |
quaranta |
13 |
tredici |
50 |
cinquanta |
14 |
quattordici |
60 |
sessanta |
15 |
quindici |
70 |
settanta |
16 |
sedici |
80 |
ottanta |
17 |
diciassette |
90 |
novanta |
18 |
diciotto |
100 |
cento |
Some Rules
The numbers from 0 to 20 must be memorized. From the number 20, however, they are easy to form, for example: 25 = venticinque (venti + cinque).
In some cases, the number 1 uno can be shortened to un, as in the song (un due tre).
If a number ends in 1 or 8, the final vowel of the tens is omitted. For example, 21 = ventuno and not ventiuno.
21 |
ventuno |
28 |
ventotto |
41 |
quarantuno |
An accent is placed on numbers ending in 3 (with the exception of the number 3 itself).
23 |
ventitré |
33 |
trentatré |
93 |
novantatré |
La canzone dei numeri
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1. Flashcards
Write the numbers as words in Italian.
2. Crucipuzzle
Find the numbers from 1 to 10 in the Crucipuzzle. Can you find them all? Buon divertimento!
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