Learn the vocabulary of means of transport in Italian. To say that you’re traveling by car you need the preposition in (alternatively con + article).
Come vai al lavoro?
In macchina | Con la macchina
Means of transport in Italian
la macchina | l’auto* | car |
il treno | train |
l’autobus | bus |
il pullman | coach, tour bus |
la metro (metropolitana) | underground, subway |
il tram | tram |
l’aereo | airplane |
la nave | ship |
il traghetto | ferry |
la moto (motocicletta) | motorbike |
la bici (bicicletta) | bicycle |
a piedi | by foot |
*Attention: l’auto (l’automobile) is feminin.
L’auto è rossa. The car is red.
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