How many Italian verbs do you already know? Here you can learn 50 important verbs in Italian you absolutely need to know for your basic Italian vocabulary! These verbs are an essential part of your A1 vocabulary. Buono studio!
50 important verbs in Italian
Note: Some verbs have several meanings and possible translations. In the following table we have noted only the main meanings and most important translations.
essere | to be |
avere | to have |
andare | to go |
fare | to do, make |
mangiare | to eat |
bere | to drink |
dormire | to sleep |
parlare | to speak |
dire | to say |
abitare | to live, reside |
vivere | to live |
lavorare | to work |
leggere | to read |
scrivere | to write |
giocare | to play (a game) |
suonare | to play (an instrument) |
camminare | to walk |
correre | to run |
dare | to give |
regalare | to give as gift |
prendere | to take |
portare | to bring |
aspettare | to wait |
comprare | to buy |
pagare | to pay |
volere | to want |
dovere | to must, have to |
potere | to can, be able to, be allowed |
sapere | to know, to can (skill) |
conoscere | to know |
incontrare | to meet |
stare | to be, stay |
imparare | to learn |
studiare | to study, learn |
sentire | to hear |
ascoltare | to listen |
vedere | to see |
guardare | to watch, look at |
chiamare | to call |
cucinare | to cook |
preparare | to prepare |
nuotare | to swim |
pulire | to clean |
lavare | to wash |
offrire | to offer |
uscire | to go out |
viaggiare | to travel |
partire | to leave, depart |
venire | to come |
arrivare | to arrive |
Learn more vocabulary
Learn more Italian vocabulary with our praticle lists to download: You can learn reflexive verbs, important animals, vocabolary of hobbies, means of transport or beverages. How about some Christmas or Halloween vocabulary? We have also a complete list of body parts!
Don’t forget to review some Grammar or to read some stories in Italian!
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2 thoughts on “50 important verbs”
grazie mille perche mi piace imparare italiano
Grazie tante