Vocabulary and the song A Natale puoi

Let’s learn some vocabulary while listening to the beautiful song A Natale puoi!

This post is part of our Italian Advent Calendar: Get the book “Buon Natale! Il libro dell’Avvento” or download the free PDF and do the exercises on the text!

Il camino e altri vocaboli

la ghirlanda garland, wreath
la finestra window
il camino fireplace
il tappeto carpet
la neve snow
il fuoco fire
il gatto cat



B) spento

A Natale puoi

Watch this video and listen to the famous Italian Christmas song A Natale puoi! You can find extra exercises HERE

A Natale puoi
fare quello che non puoi fare mai

È Natale e a Natale si può fare di più
È Natale e a Natale si può amare di più
È Natale e a Natale si può fare di più

per noi
a Natale puoi


At Christmas you can
do what you can never do

It’s Christmas and at Christmas you can do more
It’s Christmas and at Christmas you can love more
It’s Christmas and at Christmas you can do more 

For us
At Christmas you can

A Natale puoi - different versions

A Natale puoi - Alicia (Original)

A Natale puoi - Roberta Bonanno

A Natale puoi - Manuel Aski (RAP)


Have you thought of all the Christmas gifts yet? A nice book, funny socks or a sweet mug is a nice gift for Christmas. Don’t forget to send a nice Christmas card!


Would you rather have a pretty wall calendar or a practical diary with Italian days of the week and phrases for your desk? Find the perfect calendar for you!


With a gift voucher from Italiano Bello you give all the possibilities to choose from our wide range of Italian learning, children’s books in Italian and of course the most amazing stationery!

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