Learn home furnishings vocabulary in Italian. With a picture, a downloadable vocabulary list with English translation here in the post and audio, and a handy vocabulary trainer with flashcards and games. Buono studio!
Content overview
Home furnishings • l'arredamento
Ascolta e ripeti. Listen and repeat.
i mobili | furniture |
gli elettrodomestici | home appliances |
il letto | bed |
il cuscino | pillow |
l’armadio | wardrobe, closet |
il comò | dresser |
il comodino | night table |
la lampada | lamp |
il lampadario | chandelier |
la finestra | window |
la tenda | curtain |
la persiana | shutter |
il davanzale | windowsill |
il divano | couch |
la poltrona | armchair |
il tavolino | small table |
il tappeto | carpet |
la libreria | bookcase |
la mensola | shelf |
il camino | fireplace |
la credenza | cupboard, sideboard |
il quadro | picture, painting |
il tavolo | table |
la sedia | chair |
lo sgabello | stool |
la lavastoviglie | dishwaher |
il lavandino | sink |
l’armadietto | small cupboard |
il frigorifero | fridge |
il congelatore (anche: il freezer) | freezer |
il forno | oven |
il microonde | microwave |
il bollitore | kettle |
la macchina del caffè (anche: la macchina da caffè) | coffee machine |
i fornelli (pl.) | stove |
la pattumiera | garbage can |
la doccia | shower |
la vasca da bagno | bath tub |
la lavatrice | washing machine |
l’asciugatrice | dryer |
il bidet | bidet |
il gabinetto | toilet |
lo specchio | mirror |
il calorifero | radiator, heater |
la porta | door |
lo zerbino | doormat |
l’attaccapanni (anche: l'appendiabiti) | coat rack |
la scarpiera | shoe rack |
le scale (pl.) | stair |
1. Gioco
Drag the words into the correct boxes Click on the blue arrows in the upper right corner to activate the full screen mode.
2. Crucipuzzle
In the Crucipuzzle there are 8 wordsabout home furnishings hidden. You can find the list just below. Buon divertimento!
3. Flashcards
Write the corresponding Italian word. Can you remember all 47 words of the list? Practice makes perfect!
The flashcards refer to the vocabulary list given above. Sometimes there is more than one possible translation, but only one solution is possible, so the blue “i” gives you little hints.