Learn Halloween vocabulary in Italian. Download the vocabulary list, write down the meaning of the words you don’t know yet using the translation. Finally, play Memory! Buono studio!
Content overview
il fantasma | ghost |
la tomba | tomb |
il ragno | spider |
la ragnatela | cobweb |
la zucca | pumpkin |
il gatto nero | black cat |
la strega | witch |
il cappello da strega | witch's hat |
il calderone | cauldron, pot |
la pozione | potion |
il pipistrello | bat |
il teschio | skull |
lo scheletro | skeleton |
il costume | costume |
il costume da vampiro | vampire costume |
travestirsi (da) | to dress up |
dolcetto o scherzetto? | trick or treat? |
spaventare | spaventarsi | to scare | to get scared |
la paura | the fear |
Memory di Halloween
With our memory game you can practice Italian vocabulary with fun:You have to combine the pictures with the correct Italian word. How much time will it take you to match all the pictures with the corresponding words? Play and try it out!
Reload the page for a chance to see new words: LOAD
Read Halloween stories
Halloween stories in Italian all handy to download and enjoy!