Do you know the words for the most common farm animals in Italian? Here you’ll find a practical list with farm animals! With the Vocabulary Trainer you can practice and memorize your vocabulary!
Content overview
Farm Animals in Italian
il gallo | rooster |
la gallina | hen |
il pulcino | chick |
la pecora | sheep |
il montone | l'ariete | ram (male sheep) |
l'agnello | lamb |
la capra | goat |
il caprone | billy (male goat) |
il capretto | kid |
la mucca | cow |
il bue (pl. i buoi) | ox |
il toro | bull |
il vitello | calf |
l'asino | donkey |
il cavallo | horse |
il maiale | pig |
il coniglio | rabbit |
la lepre | hare |
l'anatra | duck |
il cane | dog |
il gatto | cat |
il topo | mouse |
1. Flashcards
Write the corresponding Italian word of the animals.
2. Famiglie alla fattoria
Drag the words to the corresponding picture and build the farm families!
3. Memory Game
Play memory and combine the pictures with the Italian words!
Refresh the cards to get the chance of new animals!
Illustrations credits: Macrovector / Freepik, pch.vector / Freepik