Learn useful vocabulary to talk about daily activities in Italian! With a cute illustrated chart with our friend Bruno the bear, a Vocabulary List to download with English translation and audio, and a practical Vocabulary Trainer with fun exercises and flashcards.
Content overview
Daily Activities in Italian

Ascolta e ripeti. Listen and repeat.
svegliarsi | to wake up |
alzarsi | to stand up |
fare colazione | to have breakfast |
fare la doccia | to take a shower |
lavarsi i denti | to brush one’s teeth |
farsi la barba | to shave |
truccarsi | to put on make up |
vestirsi | to get dressed |
prepararsi | to get ready |
uscire di casa | to leave home, to go out of the house |
prendere l’autobus | to take the bus |
andare a scuola | to go to school |
andare al lavoro | to go to work |
iniziare a lavorare | to begin working |
lavorare | to work |
studiare | to study |
pranzare | to have lunch |
continuare a lavorare | to continue working |
finire di lavorare | to finish working, to be done working |
tornare a casa | to go back home |
fare la spesa | to do the grocery shopping |
fare sport | to do sport |
incontrarsi con gli amici | to meet up with friends |
mettere in ordine la casa | to tidy up the house |
fare le pulizie | to do the cleaning |
preparare la cena | to prepare dinner |
apparecchiare | to set the table |
cenare | to have dinner |
sparecchiare | to clear the table |
lavare i piatti | to wash the dishes, do the washing up |
rilassarsi | to relax |
andare a letto | to go to bed |
addormentarsi | to fall asleep |
dormire | to sleep |
1. Cosa sta facendo Bruno?
Drag the activity on the appropriate picture.
2. Flashcards
Write the corresponding Italian word or expression. These flashcards refer to the vocabulary list you find on this article. Sometimes you’ll find a blue “i” that give you small tips.
3. Crucipuzzle
Find the words! How much time will it take you? The list of the words is right below. Buon divertimento!