Ciao! Let’s start our journey in the Italian language with the Alfabeto Italiano, the Italian alphabet. With this video you’ll learn the right pronunciation of letters of the alphabet which is very useful e.g. to spelling your name and you’ll learn a word for each letters and so your first Italian words. You can save the illustration as normal picture or as PDF for printing it out. Buon divertimento! Have fun!

L’alfabeto italiano
There are two pronunciation of the letters c and g. Pay attention!
A | a | albero | tree |
B | bi | balena | whale |
C | ci [tʃ] [k] | ciao cane | hello dog |
D | di | dolce | dessert; sweet |
E | e | elefante | elephant |
F | f | fiore | flower |
G | gi [dʒ] [g] | gelato gatto | ice-cream cat |
H | acca | hotel | hotel |
I | i | isola | island |
J | i lunga | ||
K | kappa | ||
L | elle | luna | moon |
M | emme | maiale | pig |
N | enne | notte | night |
O | o | orso | bear |
P | pi | pinguino | penguin |
Q | qu | quadro | painting |
R | erre | rosa | rose; pink |
S | esse | sole | sun |
T | ti | tigre | tiger |
U | u | unicorno | unicorn |
V | vi (or: vu) | volpe | fox |
W | vu doppia | ||
X | ics | ||
Y | ipsilon | ||
Z | zeta | zebra | zebra |
The five letters J, K, W, X and Y are not traditional Italian letters, but foreign letters and they are only to find in words of foreign origin like e.g. yogurt, kayak, wi-fi, web.