Do you know enough Italian adjectives? Here you’ll find a list of 50 Italian useful adjectives you should absolutely know to improve your vocabulary!
Adjectives to know is very important to be able to describe persons and things. Adjectives end either in -o or in -e, and they have respectively four or two forms. For example piccolo has four forms (piccolo, piccola, piccoli, piccole), grande has two forms (grande, grandi). To review this topic, read our lesson about Italian adjectives here.
50 useful Italian adjectives
buono | good |
cattivo | bad, evil |
bello | beautiful |
brutto | ugly |
caldo | warm |
freddo | cold |
grande | big, great |
piccolo | little, small |
alto | tall, high |
basso | short, low |
nuovo | new |
giovane | young |
vecchio | old |
anziano | old, elderly |
antico | ancient |
magro | thin |
grasso | fat |
carino | pretty, nice, cute |
dolce | sweet |
amaro | bitter |
piccante | spicy, hot |
aspro | sour |
felice | happy |
triste | sad |
allegro | cheerful |
facile | easy |
difficile | difficult |
morbido | soft |
duro | hard |
leggero | light |
pesante | heavcy |
lungo | long |
corto | short |
stretto | narrow |
largo | wide |
caro | dear, expensive |
costoso | expensive |
economico | inexpensive |
famoso | famous |
comodo | comfortable |
scomodo | uncomfortable |
interessante | interesting |
noioso | boring |
lento | slow |
veloce | fast, quick |
gentile | polite |
simpatico | pleasant, fun (person) |
antipatico | unpleasant (person) |
divertente | fun, amusing |
pigro | lazy |
One thought on “50 useful Italian adjectives”
Loving the website, but I think you’ve got the translation for grosso wrong! 😉