Train the Italian PASSATO PROSSIMO with 50 verbs!
The selected 50 verbs are a mixture of important regular and irregular verbs, modal verbs, reflexive and pronominal verbs.
This Trainer Verbi refers to our e-bookAll Italian Tenses with 50 Verbs (and Cats), (at the moment only for German speakers available), with which you can learn all Italian tenses and the respective conjugations of the 50 verbs.
Trainer Verbi Passato Prossimo
Train the Passato Prossimo! Write the appropriate verb form for each person and click “Verifica” to check your input.
Write only the form for “lui” (3rd person singular masculine), that is the auxiliary verb è/ha and the right past participle. Some verbs could both have essere and avere. In this case the auxiliary verbs are already written, you only need to add the past participle.
In case of errors you can display the correct solution. You can repeat the exercise as many times as you like.