ELI Il pianeta in gioco (A2-B1)
Giochiamo ad avere un mondo pulito? Scegli il contenitore corretto per i rifiuti e rispondi alle domande. Giocando ci esercitiamo sul lessico legato all’ambiente: raccolta differenziata, riciclaggio, energie rinnovabili, agricoltura e alimentazione biologica.
La scatola contiene:
- un tabellone da gioco con un percorso di 100 caselle,
- un dado,
- 60 carte fotografiche,
- 72 carte da gioco,
- una guida con le istruzioni.
Learn Italian and save the Earth at the same time – that’s what you can do with the game Il pianeta in gioco. Players move their pieces around the game board and receive useful information about an ecological lifestyle. Along the way, they learn and practice grammatical structures and new vocabulary related to the environment.
> Game instructions in Italian
The game and the game instructions are completely in Italian.
Do you have questions about the game? We’re happy to help, just email us at ellie@italiano-bello.com.
ELI games • language learning games
Playful and entertaining: This makes language learning fun. With creative approaches and entertaining activities, ELI’s games are equally suitable for use as relaxation in-between and planned integration into language lessons.
Watch the presentation video of the series on YouTube.
Sabine Witt –
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