Lara Cardella: Volevo i pantaloni (A2)
Lettura facile con annotazioni
Annetta non sogna il Principe Azzurro come le sue compagne di scuola, ma sogna di mettersi i pantaloni. Ha infatti capito che chi porta i pantaloni è libero di fare quello che vuole. In paese dicono che le donne che si mettono i pantaloni sono puttane; allora Annetta decide di diventare puttana. Quando Annetta viene scoperta a baciare Nicola è considerata la rovina della famiglia e viene mandata via di casa …
Easy reading with annotations
Annetta doesn’t dream of a prince charming like her classmates, but she does dream of wearing pants. In fact, she realized that those who wear pants can do whatever they want. In the village they say that women who wear pants are whores; so Annetta decides to become a whore. When Annetta is caught kissing Nicola, she is considered the ruin of the family and is sent away from home …
About the series: Easy Readers
Who doesn’t know them, the Easy Readers, which enable language enthusiasts to read the content of significant original literature already at a comparatively easy level? The Easy Readers series stands for expertise in shortening and simplifying literature. In this way, learners can approach the language learning process step by step right from the…
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