Difference between Imperfetto and Passato Prossimo

What is the difference between Imperfetto and Passato Prossimo in Italian? Both Imperfetto and Passato Prossimo are used to talk about the past. Let’s find out the difference together!

The difference between Imperfetto and Passato Prossimo

Basically, you need to know that the imperfetto is characterized by indeterminacy or unboundedness. The passato prossimo is in turn characterized by definiteness or boundedness. From this basic rule, one can list certain cases where one or the other tense is used:

States vs. actions

General description of states, persons, things, places
Unique and completed actions
imperfettopassato prossimo
C’era il sole e faceva caldo,
It was sunny and warm
così ho fatto una passeggiata.
so I took a walk
Ieri non stavo bene,
Yesterday I did not feel well,
per questo non sono andata al lavoro.
So I didn’t go to work.
Mia nonna aveva molti gatti.
My grandmother had many cats.
Mia nonna ha adottato molti gatti.
My grandma adopted many cats.

Several times or once?

It happened regularly, it was a habit, it happened any number of times (unspecified number).
Once and completed actions, also several times, but a certain number of times.
imperfettopassato prossimo
Da bambino andavo a scuola a piedi,
As a child I used to walk to school,
ma una volta/due volte/tre volte ho preso l’autobus.
but once/twice/three times I took the bus.
Prima facevo sport quasi tutti i giorni.
I used to play sports almost every day.
Questo mese ho fatto sport solo due volte.
I only did sports twice this month.

Progressive (MENTRE)

Both actions happen simultaneously
Something happens suddenly while another action is in progress (and interrupts it)
imperfettopassato prossimo
Mentre studiavo, mia figlia leggeva.
While I was studying, my daughter was reading.
Mentre studiavo, è arrivato mio marito.
While I was studying, my husband arrived.
Mentre Maria camminava, ascoltava la musica.
While Maria was walking, she was listening to music.
Mentre Maria camminava, ha iniziato a piovere.
While Maria was walking, it started to rain.

Examples with ESSERE

imperfettopassato prossimo
Nel 2018 ero a Roma.
In 2018, I was in Rome.
Nel 2018 sono stata a Roma.
In 2018, I was in Rome.
Context: I was in Rome all of 2018 and maybe I have been there since 2017 and maybe I stayed there in 2019.
Nel 2018 ero a Roma, studiavo filosofia all’università.
Context: I was in Rome sometime in 2018 (one day/one week/one month…).
Nel 2018, credo a maggio, sono stata a Roma con mio marito. È proprio una bella città!
imperfettopassato prossimo
Era una bella giornata.
It was a beautiful day.
È stata una bella giornata.
It was a beautiful day.
Context: general description to build the background of the narrative. What is meant here is the weather.
Ieri era una bella giornata, così sono andata a Milano con le mie amiche.
Context: delimitation of the description, focus on the end. What is meant is that you have spent a nice day.
Ieri sono andata a Milano con le mie amiche. È stata una bellissima giornata!



> Theimperfetto
> The passato prossimo

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ALMA Edizioni Passato prossimo e imperfetto

Passato prossimo e imperfetto di ALMA EDIZIONI

How do you form the passato prossimo and the imperfetto in Italian? When do you use which tense and when do you combine them? These questions are addressed in the exercise book Passato prossimo e imperfetto with the help of clear explanations of the grammatical rules as well as numerous examples and exercises with solutions.

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