Presente progressivo

The presente progressivo, present progressive tense, represents actions in progress. (just like the -ing Form in English). It is very easy to learn! Let’s learn the Presente Progressivo in Italian.

The Presente Progressivo

The presente progressivo is formed with the verb stare + gerund. How do I form the gerund? For the gerund, you need to separate the endings -are, -ere, -ire from the verb and add -ando for ARE and -endo for ERE and IRE accordingly.

The gerund

lavor | arescriv | eredorm | ire
lavor andoscriv endodorm endo

The present progressive: stare + Gerundium

For the progressive form, you must combine the verb stare with the gerund.

STARE + gerund (ando/endo/endo)

lui, leistalavorandoscrivendodormendo


The progressive form represents actions in progress, just like the -ing form in English.

Dov’è Emma? – In bagno, sta facendo la doccia. Where is Emma? – In the bathroom, she’s taking a shower.
Maria, a cosa stai pensando? Sei così silenziosa!Maria, what are you thinking about? You are so silent!
Fiona sta passando l’aspirapolvere.Fiona is vacuuming.


What do people do? Add the appropriate verb in the presente progressivo.

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2 thoughts on “Presente progressivo

  1. senara says:

    sono bellissimi e mi fanno imparare tante cose grazie per chi lo ha inventato

    1. Jack O'Loughlin says:

      Che gentile! Devi usare l’Italiano molto di piu se vuoi fare a megliore
      (Ho Provato)

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