Italian course A1 Test 1

This test refers to the lessons of the Italian Beginner’s Course A1.1, Unit 1. Will you pass it well? Give your best! In bocca al lupo!

There are 10 exercises. You can check each exercise immediately by clicking Check. When you have completed all exercises, click on Finish to get your final score. The test has a total of 60 points. Each correct answer gives you 1 point. To pass the test, you must score 60% correct (36 points).

Upper and lower case is not important.

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Italian Course A1

Test 1

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6 thoughts on “Italian course A1 Test 1

  1. Deborah Adwoa Owusua says:

    Io mi chiamo Deborah
    Some ghanese

    1. Agartha Ayantey says:

      Ciao io sono Agartha

    2. Ayman says:

      Sono ayman
      Sono marocchino

    3. sama says:

      piacere Deborah io sono sana

  2. Fatema sumi says:


  3. Meryem noussi says:

    Grazie mille

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