What are the household chores called in Italian and how can I talk about them? Let’s read and listen to a text in Italian about household chores.
Talking about household chores in Italian
Ogni giorno Scotty fa le pulizie
La casa di Scotty è sempre pulita e ordinata. | Scotty’s house is always clean and tidy. |
Ogni giorno fa le pulizie e mette in ordine. | Every day he does the cleaning and tidies up. |
La mattina passa l’aspirapolvere e riordina la cucina. | He vacuums and tidies the kitchen in the morning. |
Una volta alla settimana spolvera i mobili. | Once a week he dusts the furniture. |
Il fine settimana fa il bucato. | On weekends he does laundry. |
Gli piace molto stirare, è rilassante. Mentre stira guarda la TV. | He really likes ironing, it is relaxing. While ironing he watches TV. |
Ogni mese lava i vetri e il pavimento. | Every month he washes the windows and the floor. |
Adesso Scotty sta pulendo il bagno. | Now Scotty is cleaning the bathroom. |
La sua casa è davvero pulitissima e ordinatissima! | His house is really very clean and tidy! |
Household chores
Let’s review the vocabulary about household chores
fare le pulizie | to do the cleaning |
mettere in ordine | riordinare | to tidy up |
passare l’aspirapolvere | to vacuum |
spolverare | to dust |
fare il bucato | To do laundry |
stirare | to iron |
lavare i vetri | to wash the windows |
lavare il pavimento | to wash the floor |
pulire il bagno | to clean the bathroom |
You can find more vocabulary in our lesson Chores in Italian