Learn how to say thank you and apologize in Italian and what to say in response.
1. Say thank you
Ecco il Suo cappuccino.
Very classical: in order to say thank you, just say: Grazie! Let’s learn a few more ways to say thank you:
Grazie | Thanks, thank you |
Grazie mille | Thank you very much |
Ti ringrazio | Thank you (Tu-form) |
La ringrazio | Thank you (Lei-form) |
Grazie di cuore | Thank you so much (lit. heartily thanks) |
È molto gentile da parte tua | Sua | It is very kind of you (Tu/Lei-form) |
Grazie mille!
Non c’è di che.
If someone thanks you, you should be able to answer appropriately! Here you will find some common answers:
Prego | You’re welcome |
Di niente | Di nulla | Don’t mention it! |
Non c’è di che | You’re welcome |
2. I’m sorry
Mi dispiace molto!
To apologize, you can say mi dispiace or scusa. Look at the following options:
Mi dispiace | I’m sorry |
Mi dispiace molto | moltissimo | I’m very sorry |
Scusa | Sorry, excuse me (Tu-form) |
Scusi | Mi scusi | Sorry, excuse me (Lei-form) |
Note: Scusa | (mi) scusi are used both to say sorry and to attract attention, e.g. when you want to call the waiter:
Scusa per il ritardo. Sorry for the delay.
Scusi, vorrei pagare. Excuse me, I’d like to pay.
To answer
Mi dispiace!
Non fa niente.
If someone apologizes to you, you can answer the following:
Nessun problema Non c’è problema | No problem |
Non fa niente | It doesn’t matter |
Può capitare | It can happen |
Non preoccuparti | Don’t worry (Tu-form) |
Non si preoccupi | Don’t worry (Lei-form) |