Learn the vocabulary of the days of the week in Italian. You’ll find a downloadable vocabulary list with English translation and audio file, and a practical vocabulary trainer with flashcards and a game.
Content overview
Days of the Week in Italian
Ascolta e ripeti. Listen and repeat.
lunedì | Monday |
martedì | Tuesday |
mercoledì | Wednesday |
giovedì | Thursday |
venerdì | Friday |
sabato | Saturday |
domenica | Sunday |
Do you know why almost all weekdays end with dì? Because dì is a synonym of giorno (even if it’s a bit outdated), so dì means day
The names of the weekdays have their origin in the Latin language:
Lunedì | il giorno della Luna dies Lunae | Day of the moon |
Martedì | il giorno di Marte dies Martis | Day of Mars |
Mercoledì | il giorno di Mercurio dies Mercurii | Day of Mercury |
Giovedì | il giorno di Giove dies Iovis | Day of Jupiter |
Venerdì | il giorno di Venere dies Veneris | Day of Venus |
The original reference to Saturno (dies Saturni) and Sole (dies Solis) of the last two days of the week has been replaced by religious references: il sabato, from the Hebrew shabbath, is il giorno del riposo the day of rest, e la domenica, dies Domini, is il giorno del Signore the Day of the Lord.
1. Flashcards
Write the corresponding Italian word of the days of the week.
2. Crucipuzzle
There are 5 weeks of the day Crucipuzzle. Can you find them all? Buon divertimento!