La torta in cielo, di Gianni Rodari (A2)

Una filastrocca in italiano di Gianni Rodari, il più famoso scrittore italiano per bambini e ragazzi.

La torta in cielo, di Gianni Rodari

Esercizi scaricabili

Io sono un sognatore,
ma non sogno solo per me:
sogno una torta in cielo
per darne un poco anche a te.

Una torta di cioccolato
grande come una città,
che arrivi dallo spazio
a piccola velocità.

Sembrerà dapprima una nuvola,
si fermerà su una piazza,
le daremo un’occhiatina
curiosa dalla terrazza…

Ma quando scenderà
come una dolce cometa
ce ne sarà per tutti
da fare festa completa.

Ognuno ne avrà una fetta
più una ciliegia candita,
e chi non dirà «buona!»,
certo dirà «squisita!»

Poi si verrà a sapere
(e la cosa sarà più comica)
che qualcuno s’era provato
a buttare una bomba atomica,

ma invece del solito fungo
l’esplosione ha provocato
(per ora nel mio sogno)
una torta di cioccolato.

Übersetzung auf Deutsch

Die Torte am Himmel

Ich bin ein Träumer,
aber ich träume nicht nur für mich selbst:
Ich träume von einer Torte am Himmel
um dir auch etwas davon zu geben.

Eine Schokoladentorte
so groß wie eine Stadt,
die aus dem Weltraum kommt
bei geringer Geschwindigkeit.

Sie wird zunächst wie eine Wolke aussehen,
wird über einem Platz halten,
wir werden einen neugierigen flüchtigen Blick auf sie werfen
von der Terrasse aus…

Aber wenn sie herunterkommen wird
wie ein süßer Komet,
wird genug für alle da sein,
um eine vollständige Party zu feiern.

Jeder wird ein Stück haben
und eine kandierte Kirsche,
und wer nicht “lecker!” sagen wird,
wird sicherlich “köstlich!” sagen!

Dann wird man erfahren
(und die Sache wird noch komischer sein)
dass jemand versucht hatte,
eine Atombombe abzuwerfen,

aber statt des üblichen Pilzes
hat die Explosion
(bis jetzt in meinem Traum)
einen Schokoladenkuchen verursacht.

Translation in English

The cake in the sky

I am a dreamer,
but I don’t just dream for me:
I dream of a cake in the sky
to give a little of it to you, too.

A chocolate cake
as big as a city,
coming from space
at small speed.

It will at first look like a cloud,
it will stop on a square,
we will give it a little curious glance
from the terrace…

But when it will descend
like a sweet comet
there will be enough for everyone
to have a complete party.

Everyone will have a slice
plus a candied cherry,
and who will not say “tasty!”
will certainly say “delicious!”

Then it will come out
(and it will be more comical)
that someone had tried
to throw an atomic bomb,

but instead of the usual mushroom
the explosion caused
(for now in my dream)
a chocolate cake.

About the author: Gianni Rodari

Gianni Rodari was a writer, but also worked as a primary school teacher, journalist and educator. He was born in 1920 in Omegna (Piedmont) and worked as a teacher for several years after obtaining his teaching degree. At the end of World War II, he embarked on a journalistic career that led him to collaborate with numerous magazines.

From the 1950s he began to publish his own books, contributing to a renewal of children’s literature with an extensive production marked by intelligent comedy, giving space to the themes of contemporary life (peace and war, emigration, injustice).

In 1970 he was awarded the Hans Christian Andersen Prize for Literature for Young People.

Among his best-known works are Grammar of the Imagination (it. Grammatica della fantasia), Fairy Tales on the Telephone (it. Favole al telefono), and The Book of Errors (it. Il libro degli errori).

His books and nursery rhymes are popular all over the world and still make children and adults dream.

La torta in cielo is not only a children’s song, but also a story that first appeared in 1964 in the children’s newspaper Corriere dei Piccoli and was later published in numerous books.

La torta in cielo

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